Regulatory Guidance

How to have AI consider regulatory guidelines and build processes around them.

Using generative AI like ChatGPT to consume legal or regulatory laws, such as bicycle riding laws in Michigan and Detroit, can help make automated business processes like the bicycle rental application more intelligent and compliant. By leveraging AI's ability to analyze and process vast amounts of text data, businesses can ensure that their operations align with relevant regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and improving overall customer experiences.

To utilize ChatGPT in this context, you can feed legal documents or regulatory texts as input, prompting the AI to extract useful information and provide insights relevant to your business processes (this will likely require handing a large prompt context). These insights can then be integrated into your application logic to ensure compliance with the laws.

const { OpenAIAPI } = require("openai");
const openai = new OpenAIAPI({ apiKey: "your-api-key" });

async function getLegalInsight(documentText) {
  const prompt = `Analyze the following legal text related to bicycle riding laws in Michigan and Detroit and provide key insights that a bicycle rental business should be aware of:\n\n${documentText}\n\nInsights:`;

  const response = await openai.Completion.create({
    model: "text-davinci-002",
    prompt: prompt,
    max_tokens: 100,
    n: 1,
    stop: null,
    temperature: 0.5,

  return response.choices[0].text.trim();

Applying AI-generated Insights to Business Processes

Once you have obtained the AI-generated insights, you can use them to adapt your business processes and ensure compliance with the relevant laws. For example, you could update your customer-facing terms and conditions or modify the automated complaint handling process to account for legal requirements.

async function main() {
  const legalText = "Bicycle riding laws in Michigan and Detroit...";
  const insights = await getLegalInsight(legalText);

  // Update business processes based on the insights
  // e.g., update terms and conditions, modify complaint handling process
  // ...

By integrating generative AI like ChatGPT into your software, you can create more intelligent and compliant automated business processes. This can help you stay ahead of legal requirements and provide a better experience for your customers while minimizing potential risks. Note that while AI-generated insights can be helpful, it is still crucial to consult with legal professionals to ensure your business remains fully compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

Last updated