
Key terminology in core programming concepts and generative development

Access Token: A token generated by an OAuth server, allowing a client to access a protected resource on behalf of a user.

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability): A set of properties that guarantee the reliability and consistency of data transactions in a database, ensuring that either all or none of the changes made in a transaction are committed to the database.

Agile: An iterative and adaptive approach to software development that values individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and response to change.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): A technique for dynamically updating a web page without reloading the entire page, by sending and receiving data asynchronously in the background.

Alerting: The process of notifying relevant parties when specific conditions or thresholds are met within an application or monitoring system, allowing for timely response to potential issues or performance degradations.

Algorithm: A step-by-step process for solving a problem or achieving a specific task.

API (Application Programming Interface): A set of rules and protocols for accessing a web-based software application or web tool.

Application Security: The process of ensuring that a software application is protected from potential security vulnerabilities, such as unauthorized access, data breaches, and other threats.

Array: A collection of values in a program that can be stored in a single variable.

Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system, usually involving the use of a username and password or other credentials.

Authorization Header: An HTTP header used to send the access token to an API, allowing the API to determine the level of access that the client has to the protected resource.

Authorization: The process of granting or denying access to specific resources or actions within an application based on the authenticated user's permissions or roles.

Callback Function: A function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed when the main function has completed its task.

Class: A blueprint for creating objects in object-oriented programming languages, defining the properties and methods of the objects.

Client-side Rendering: The process of rendering a web application on the client, using JavaScript to dynamically update the content of the page.

Closure: A function that has access to variables in its outer scope even after the outer function has returned.

Column: A field in a table, representing a specific attribute or characteristic of the data type represented by the table.

Component: A reusable piece of UI in React that can be composed of other components and receives props as input.

Conditional Statement: A type of control flow statement that executes a block of code based on a specific condition, such as an if/else statement.

Context API: A way to share data and functionality between components in React without the need for props drilling.

Continuous Delivery: The practice of automatically building, testing, and deploying code changes to production, allowing for faster and more reliable delivery of software.

Continuous Integration: The practice of frequently integrating code changes into a shared repository, allowing for early detection and resolution of integration issues.

Control Flow: The order in which statements in a program are executed, determined by conditions and statements such as if/else, for loops, and while loops.

Cross-functional Team: A team in Agile that includes individuals with different skills and expertise, such as developers, testers, and designers, working together to deliver working software.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): A type of security vulnerability in web applications where an attacker tricks a user into performing an action on a website without their consent, potentially causing unintended consequences or data breaches.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): A type of security vulnerability in web applications where an attacker injects malicious scripts into trusted websites, potentially compromising the data or security of the affected users.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the appearance of a web page, including layout, color, and font.

Daily Scrum: A daily stand-up meeting in Scrum where team members share what they have done, what they plan to do, and any blockers they are facing.

Data Types: The type of value that a variable can hold, such as a string, number, or boolean.

Data Types: The type of value that a variable can hold, such as a string, number, or boolean.

Database: A collection of data organized in a specific way, allowing for efficient querying and manipulation of the data.

Document Database: A type of NoSQL database that stores data as documents, often in a JSON-like format, allowing for flexible and scalable storage of data.

DOM (Document Object Model): The structure of an HTML document represented as a tree-like object in JavaScript, allowing for manipulation and interaction with the elements of a web page.

DOM (Document Object Model): The structure of an HTML document represented as a tree-like object, allowing for manipulation and interaction with the elements of a web page.

Encryption: The process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the data during transmission or storage.

Endpoint Documentation: Detailed documentation of the API endpoints, including the expected request and response formats, the available query parameters, and any error codes that may be returned.

Endpoint: A specific URL that represents a resource or collection of resources in an API, allowing for specific actions to be performed on the resource.

Evaluation Metrics: Metrics used to evaluate the performance of a language model on a specific task, such as accuracy, F1 score, or perplexity.

Event: An action or occurrence that can trigger a function in JavaScript, such as a user clicking a button or a page finishing loading.

Exception Handling: The process of handling errors and unexpected conditions in a program, such as catching exceptions and providing alternative actions.

Fine-tuning: The process of using a pre-trained language model and adjusting its parameters for a specific task, such as sentiment analysis or question answering.

Foreign Key: A column in a table that refers to the primary key of another table, establishing a relationship between the two tables.

Function: A self-contained block of code that performs a specific task and can be reused throughout a program.

Function: A self-contained block of code that performs a specific task and can be reused throughout a program.

Generative Pipeline: A system or workflow that automatically generates content, code, or other outputs based on a set of input data or parameters. This can be used to automate repetitive tasks, optimize resource usage, or create dynamic and adaptive user experiences.

GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer): A popular architecture for large language models developed by OpenAI. It uses the transformer architecture and is trained on large amounts of text data to generate text that is similar in style and content to the input data.

Hoisting: The behavior in JavaScript where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their respective scopes.

Hooks: A feature in React that allows for stateful logic and other functionality to be reused across components without the use of class components.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The standard markup language for creating web pages and displaying content on the web.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): The standard protocol for communication on the web, used for making requests to and receiving responses from an API.

Index: A data structure used to improve the speed of querying a database, allowing for faster searching and retrieval of data.

JavaScript: A high-level, dynamic programming language used for creating interactive and dynamic web pages.

Join: An operation in SQL that combines data from two or more tables based on a related column, allowing for the retrieval of data from multiple tables as a single result set.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight data-interchange format used for exchanging data between a server and a web application.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight data-interchange format used for exchanging data between a server and a client, often used in REST APIs.

JSX: A syntax extension for JavaScript that allows for the creation of custom, reusable components in React.

JWT (JSON Web Token): A compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties, often used for authentication and authorization purposes in web applications.

Kanban: A visual management system used to visualize and manage work, often used in combination with Agile practices to manage the flow of work in a software development process.

Lifecycle Methods: Methods that are called at specific points in the lifecycle of a React component, such as when the component is first mounted or before it updates.

Language Model: A type of machine learning model trained on large amounts of text data to generate text that is similar in style and content to the input data.

Log Aggregation: The process of collecting log data from multiple sources and centralizing it in a single location, allowing for easier analysis and monitoring.

Log Analysis: The process of examining log data to identify patterns, trends, or anomalies, aiding in the diagnosis of issues or the monitoring of application performance.

Logging: The process of recording events and messages related to the execution of an application, helping developers identify and diagnose issues or monitor application performance.

Loop: A type of control flow statement that repeats a block of code until a specific condition is met, such as a for loop or a while loop.

Method: A function that is associated with an object and can be called on that object.

Monitoring: The process of observing the behavior and performance of an application, often involving the use of tools or software to collect, analyze, and visualize metrics related to the application.

Node.js: An open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for executing JavaScript code on the server side.

NoSQL Database: A type of database that does not use the relational model, instead using a variety of data models such as document, key-value, or graph.

NPM (Node Package Manager): The default package manager for the Node.js runtime environment, used for downloading and managing packages and dependencies for a project.

OAuth: An open standard for authorization, allowing for secure access to APIs on behalf of a user without requiring the user to share their credentials.

Object: A collection of key-value pairs in a program that can be used to store complex data structures.

Object: A collection of key-value pairs in JavaScript that can be used to store complex data structures.

Overfitting: A common issue in machine learning where a model becomes too complex and performs well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data.

Parameter: An input to a function.

Primary Key: A unique identifier for each row in a table, used to enforce referential integrity and ensure that each row can be uniquely identified.

Product Backlog: A prioritized list of items, such as features, bug fixes, and technical work, that the development team intends to complete in future sprints.

Product Owner: A role in Scrum responsible for representing the stakeholders and prioritizing the items in the product backlog.

Prompt chaining: This is a technique where multiple prompts are connected or combined sequentially, with the output of one prompt becoming the input for the next prompt. Prompt chaining can be useful for guiding the AI through a series of tasks or generating more complex outputs by building upon previous responses.

Prompt context: The prompt context encompasses the information provided to the AI model, including the text of the prompt itself and any additional information used to guide the AI's response. This context helps the AI understand the problem it needs to solve or the question it needs to answer.

Prompt CTS: CTS stands for "Completions, Tokens, and Samples." Prompt CTS refers to the three key factors that influence AI response quality: the number of completions generated, the maximum number of tokens allowed in the response, and the number of samples used to fine-tune the AI model. Adjusting these factors can help refine the AI's output.

Prompt operators: Prompt operators are methods or functions that manipulate, transform, or combine prompts to create new prompts or modify existing ones. For example, a prompt operator might concatenate two prompts or replace specific parts of a prompt to generate a new one.

Prompt patterns: These are predefined formats or templates for creating prompts that guide the AI in generating desired responses. Prompt patterns often include specific phrasings, instructions, or structures to achieve better results from the AI model.

Prompt stores: These are repositories for storing prompts and their associated data, such as input parameters, desired outputs, or other metadata. Prompt stores can be useful for managing and organizing a collection of prompts for future use or for sharing among team members.

Props: Data passed from a parent component to a child component as input.

Prototype: A property of an object in JavaScript that can be used to add new methods or properties to objects of a certain type.

Query: A request for data from a database, written in SQL or another query language.

Rate Limiting: A technique used by APIs to control the rate at which clients can make requests, helping to prevent overuse and ensure availability of the API.

Redux: A popular state management library for React applications that helps manage and centralize the state of an application.

Relational Database: A type of database that stores data in tables, with each table having a unique primary key and relationships between tables defined by foreign keys.

Responsive Design: A web design approach aimed at providing an optimal viewing experience, regardless of the device or screen size.

REST (Representational State Transfer): A architectural style for building web services and APIs, based on making requests to retrieve or manipulate data.

REST (Representational State Transfer): A architectural style for building web services and APIs, based on making requests to retrieve or manipulate data.

Return Value: The value that is returned by a function after it has executed.

Router: A library for managing client-side routing in a React application, allowing for different components to be displayed based on the URL.

Row: A single record in a table, representing an instance of the data type represented by the table.

Scope: The accessibility of variables and functions within a program.

Scrum Master: A role in Scrum responsible for facilitating the Scrum process and ensuring that the team adheres to the principles and practices of Scrum.

Scrum: A popular Agile framework used for managing and completing complex projects, based on iterative and incremental development.

SDK (Software Development Kit): A collection of tools and libraries for a specific programming language, allowing for easy integration with a specific API.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) / Transport Layer Security (TLS): Cryptographic protocols used to secure communication between a client and a server, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the data being transmitted.

Sequence Length: The maximum number of tokens in a sequence of text that a language model can process at once.

Server Side Rendering (SSR): The process of rendering a React application on the server and sending the generated HTML to the client, improving the initial load time and SEO of the application.

Sprint Backlog: The set of items from the product backlog that the development team plans to complete during the next sprint.

Sprint Retrospective: A meeting at the end of a sprint in Scrum, where the development team reflects on the sprint and identifies ways to improve for the next sprint.

Sprint Review: A meeting at the end of a sprint in Scrum, where the development team demonstrates the working software they have delivered and receives feedback from stakeholders.

Sprint: A time-boxed iteration in Scrum, usually ranging from 1-4 weeks, during which a development team works to deliver a usable and potentially releasable increment of working software.

SQL (Structured Query Language): The standard language for managing and querying relational databases.

SQL Injection: A type of security vulnerability in web applications where an attacker injects malicious SQL code into an application's database, potentially compromising data or the application's functionality.

State: An internal data store for a React component that can be updated and trigger a re-render of the component.

Syntax: The set of rules that define the structure and format of a programming language.

Table: A collection of rows and columns in a relational database, representing a specific type of data.

Tokenization: The process of converting a string of text into a sequence of tokens, or smaller units of meaning, that can be processed by a language model.

Transformer: A type of neural network architecture used in natural language processing tasks, such as language modeling and machine translation. It is known for its ability to process sequence data effectively.

Variable: A named container for storing values in a program.

Variable: A named container for storing values in JavaScript.

Virtual DOM: An in-memory representation of the actual DOM in React, used to optimize updates and renderings of the UI.

Vocabulary: The set of all unique tokens in a language model's training data.

Webhook: A technique used by APIs to allow clients to subscribe to events, allowing the API to notify the client when specific actions occur, such as a new data item being added to a resource.

Webpack: A module bundler for JavaScript applications, used to compile and package all required assets into a single file for deployment.

Zero-shot Learning: The ability of a language model to perform a task without having seen any examples of that task during training.

Last updated