👋Intro to GDF

What is GDF? Where did it come from?

This documentation is still under development and is actively being edited. There may be incomplete sections, articles, or inaccurate content at this time. A fully edited version will be published by v0.1.0.

Version: GDF-FSE v0.0.1.

This documentation discusses a human centric AI development framework called GDF (Generative Development Framework). The framework consists of 19 total knowledge areas that cover thought, prompting, and development patterns to more efficiently develop software using generative AI while considering security and ethical behavior. The examples in this documentation will focus specifically on how to develop software applications, but the core principles can applied to other human driven generative AI processes.

The framework is not specific to any language, use case, or large language model. Most of the content in this documentation is in the context of Web Apps, Javascript, Next.js, Node.js, React, and ChatGPT. If you have another use case or language preference, simply adjust the prompts and process as needed.

GDF is meant to be used as needed. Only use the knowledge areas and implement processes around them if they are productive for you and your team. You should constantly be evaluating the success of GDF in your organization and adjust through a continous improvement process.

For new developers, I strongly recommend reading through the documentation start to finish to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the concepts and terminology. If you are a more seasoned professional, please use the subject matter as needed.

Origins of GDF

I have been developing applications since 2011, most recently working as an engineering manager overseeing the development of software applications with millions of users in highly regulated spaces such as Financial Services and Gaming. Over the last few months AI has fundamentally changed the way I work. Throughout this process, I have documented what has and has not worked as a methodology to create the generative development framework (GDF).

For me, learning how to effectively leverage generative AI changed my perspective on programming and the future work. I have found that when used effectively, it allows me to focus on the quality of code and new feature development as opposed to typing out the same boilerplate code, tracking down a particular bug, or endless research into opinionated approaches. Another gain I realized in using generative AI in the context of chat is the back and forth of a “human-like” response, which I have found drives up engagement during development and a provides peer programming like productivity. I had more of those “a-ha” moments by having a dialogue about a particular problem than I did by purely looking at questions posted by others or reading documentation.

As much as these capabilities are exciting, they are intimidating. By the end of documentation, I hope you have the knowledge needed to adapt to such a monumental shift in the way we work.

What is GDF-FSE?

GDF-FSE is a GDF based framework focused specifically on developing full stack web applications. The examples in this documentation are specific to programming and full stack engineering, but can be applied to any discipline.

Last updated


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