Understanding Modern Web Apps

How do modern web applications work?

This section is intended to provide those new to development a high level walkthrough of how web applications work.

Programming languages like JavaScript are used to create web applications, which are software programs that are accessed and run over the internet through a web browser. When a user accesses a web application, the code written in JavaScript is executed by the web browser, which translates the code into machine-readable instructions that the computer can understand and execute.

Web applications are typically composed of three main parts: the client-side code, the server-side code, and the database. The client-side code is written in JavaScript and runs on the user's web browser, while the server-side code is written in a server-side programming language like Node.js and runs on a web server. The database is used to store and retrieve data used by the web application.

When a user interacts with a web application, the client-side code sends requests to the server-side code, which processes the requests and sends responses back to the client-side code. This process is known as client-server communication and is a fundamental part of how web applications work.

In terms of compilation, web applications like those created using JavaScript are typically not compiled in the traditional sense. Instead, the client-side code is interpreted by the web browser at runtime, meaning that the code is translated into machine-readable instructions on the fly, as it is executed. This is in contrast to compiled programming languages like C++ or Java, where the code is compiled into machine code before it is executed.

Overall, programming languages like JavaScript are essential for creating web applications, which are widely used by people all over the world for a variety of purposes. The process of creating and running web applications involves a complex interaction between client-side code, server-side code, and a database, all of which work together to provide users with a rich and interactive web experience.

describe programming languages in the context of javascript and web apps

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